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Circuit of Change 

A ground-breaking social impact group focused on revolutionizing the way we utilize textiles through the power of upcycling. With a passionate commitment to sustainability, creativity, and community, Circuit of Change is at the forefront of the global movement to reduce textile waste and promote a more environmentally conscious fashion industry.



Born from the long standing interest in fashion, sewing and pop-culture, Jamila has been sewing her own clothes since she was about 13 years old. While working with new fabrics leaves can be invigorating, Jamila found inspiration in her designs by remaking and restyling her used and gently used clothes. Often finding different ways to extend the lifecycle of items she holds near and dear but no longer continue to serve their original purpose

How to Contribute

Circuit of Change is a non-profit organization dedicated to understanding circular economics and bring social change to a Japanese and global audience



Ways to Contribute 

--Share our events with a friend 

-Participate in our events

-Sponsorships & Donations


Follow our page to keep up with our latest events

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